Message from Representative Director CEO

With a strong commitment to "craftsmanship in IT", we founded Trio Systems in 2013.

IT technology is evolving day by day, and IT systems continue to grow in scale and complexity, having closer and closer connections with people's daily life. In this situation, it's definitely not easy for a startup company to propose "craftsmanship in IT". And according to many inovations companies' histosy, there are always a lot of difficulties in the way. But with a clear vision, full-use of collective intelligence and continuous hardwork, we believe that we can practise "craftsmanship in IT" and finally succeed. We plan to take the following steps to become an inovative company that contributes to the society.

STEP1: Take part in as many IT solution developments as possible, and keep enhancing our teamwork and technical capabilities.
STEP2: Stay as a player in providing the top level IT solution, then grow into a SIer company with overall capabilities.
STEP3: Provide inovative solutions which will bring our clients new value.

Representative Director CEO