Privacy policy

  • As a company that provides customers with SES (resident technical support service), system entrusted development service, mobile application service, TRIO Systems Corporation recognized it is important to protect personal information in a high-speed information communication society, we have the social responsibility to safely and appropriately handle the personal information of our customers and business partners and everyone who are associated with us.As a business operator handling personal information, we have established an in-house organization and continually improve on the protection of personal information including the following privacy policy. Acquisition, use and offer of personal information We will specify a range of business activities in which we can use personal information and identify the use purpose. In order to achieve the purpose, we will manage to fairly and properly acquire,use and provide personal information to the extent necessary. In addition, we will take action to ensure that no acquired personal information will be used for non-business reason. Compliance with laws and regulations We comply with laws and regulations, norms and social order related to personal information, and we strive to appropriately protect personal information. Proper management of personal information For the personal information that we are handling, we are fully aware of the danger from any unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of the information. Therefore, we carry out reasonable security measures, for when the problem occurs, we could take appropriate corrective action. Inquiry support For the personal information that we are handling, any information disclosure, correction, service cancellation or other inquiry/consult from the information’s owner will be fully and properly supported by us. Continuous improvement on our system We always improve a management regulations and management system for the protection of personal information. Regular review and implement of the operation are done thoroughly by all employees, and we continuously improve our system.

    Date of enactment: 1/APR/2016
    Last Revision Date: 1/DEC/2016

    Trio Systems Corporation
    Representative Director CEO ZHU ZI PENG

    Private Information Inquiries Desk
    Yasutomo Nagai
    Personal Information Protection administrator

Our company’s privacy policy

  • Our Company is committed to the appropriate protection of personal information based on “personal information protection policy”. Our rules about the usage and management of personal information will be as follows. The name of the business operator handling personal information Trio Systems Corporation Purposes of using personal information Purposes of using personal information that we acquired or hold in our business activities are as follows  Use of personal information in the case of acquisition by direct writing

    The type of personal information Purpose of use
    Customer information

    For Business Administration,
    Various Contact,Billing management and Payment Management.

    Employee information

    In order to use for the work related to employee management.

    Applicants for
    employment information

    In order to use for
    the business related to the adoption.

    Retiree information

    In order to use for contacting retirees and responding to inquiries from

    Inquiry information

    In order to respond
    to the inquiries.

    Information of the principal
    and agent
    (upon the request for disclosure)

    In order to respond
    to the requests for disclosure, etc.

     For other purposes written in the individual documents.

     Use of personal information in the case of other acquisition methods apart from direct writing

    The type of personal information Purpose of use

    For execution of the contract and for the contract fulfillment

    In order to use for contracts and the accompanying contact,execution of entrusted business and after-sales care, etc.

    Support center for personal information Contact: if you want to send complaints or questions about the handling of the personal information The name and inquiry contact information of the certified privacy protection organization Name  Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community Inquiry desk contact information  Personal information protection complaint counselor's office  Roppongi First Building, 9-9 Roppongi 1-chome,Minato-ku Tokyo, 106-0032 Japan  Phone: +81-3-5860-7551 (Note) This is not the inquiry desk regarding IntaSect's services and products. The procedures of information disclosure and others We hope with respect to personal information subject to disclosure of personal information (for notifying the purpose of use, disclosure, corrections, addition or removal, service cancellation , cancellation of information’s provision to a third party ), if the provider consent to the disclosure, after confirming your identity or your representative’s identity, we will appropriately manage your information by a reasonable period of time and scope, we will correct, add or delete, stop using, or erase your information.Please understand that for every request form that you send to receive notification or disclosure of the purposes of using personal information, there is a fee of 500 yen. How to contact reception and support center for information disclosure, etc. It should be noted that, when it is necessary, we must provide your information to the affiliated companies, agency or the customer but only in the range that we could achieve as those purposes written above. Please fill in our company’s form, "form of information disclosure and others", and send it along with other necessary documents to our company (Sending cost must be paid by the sender) by the following method. After confirming your identity (or your representative’s identity), we will respond to you by sending you documents back.

    Contact name Private Information Inquiries Desk
    Contact information Yasutomo Nagai
    Personal Information Protection

    Takahashi Bldg, 3rd floor, 3-2,
    Kanda-Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

    Email Address: