Information Security Policy

  • Trio Systems has established a Basic Information Security Policy in order to provide better products and services to contribute to the development of society. We believe that it is our duty to protect information assets which are entrusted to us by our clients and business partners as well as our own's, and hereby declare that we shall put our information security policy into practice. Protection of information assets We shall endeavor to establish an information security management system and make every effort to ensure proper management of information assets. Compliance with laws and regulations We shall observe all laws, regulations, government policies and other social standards in respect of information security. Implementation of education and training We shall provide the continuing education and training which are necessary for ensuring the security of information. Prevention measures We shall endeavor to prevent illegal intrusion into, leakage, alteration, loss or theft, destruction, or denial-of-service attacks on the information assets through the deployment of appropriate personnel, organizational and technological measures. Response when problems occur In any event in which a breach of security of information assets has occurred, we shall immediately investigate the problem to find the cause or source and to minimize any damage that might have occurred, and make every effort to prevent a recurrence. Continuous improvement We shall review and improve the above activities on a continuous basis. Date of enactment: 1/MAY/2014 Last Revision Date: 1/AUG/2015 Trio Systems Corporation Representative Director CEO ZHU ZI PENG