We are expanding business in the following areas.

  •   ・System Integration

  •   ・Cloud Solution Development

  •   ・FinTech Solutions

  •   ・Mobile Applications Entrusted Development

  • As a system integration company, we will continue to provide useful services to our corporate and individual users.

System Integration

    Based on our development experience in various fields,we can provide our clients order-made information systems. Regardless of complicated application development or small scale development, we can always meet our clients' requirements by listening to their needs in detail.

    Futhermore, we and our subsidiary companies, Trio Systems Jinan (China), have agreeed to offer cooperative support to each other to assure qualified delievery in spite of tight deadline or high system complexity.

Cloud Solution Development

    We build for our clients various customized solutions that running on cloud service such as Salesforce、 Amazon Web Services (AWS).

    Especially for Salesforce, our subsidiary company, has build a professional team to provide various Salesforce development services such as Salesforce navigation,Salesforce introduction support, followup for making full use of Salesforce etc.

FinTech Solutions

    We will adopt FinTech's new technologies and services quickly and aim to develop business that can add value to our customers.

    Specifically, using technology such as mobile payment, BigData, block chain, ECM (Enterprise Content Management), we will provide optimized FinTech solutions according to our customers' needs.

    Currently we have already begun to offer the following services.
    ・QR Payment Solution by China WeChatPay service.
    ・Database solution for BigData (sales agency of ZoomData Inc. USA and introduction support service)

Mobile Applications Development

    With the use of smart phone and tablet increasing dramatically nowadays, it has brought a lot of changes to people's life style and work style.Meanwhile the movement to make full use of mobile devices in business also spread quickly. However, due to the diversification of ecosystems of hardware and software,the development of mobile applications will get more and more difficult.

      We launched out mobile application services in 2015 with following aims.

    •    1) increase the productivity of mobile application developments, and also lower the cost at the same time.

    •    2) provide quick solutions to our clients' IT problems with mobile applications.

    Now we hava set up a mobile application development department, providing mobile development services for both iOS and Android. And we also own a mobile application development team in Trio Systems Jinan (China) which allow us to provide offshore services for mobile development too.